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The Monet Nursery range is truly a piece of art, inspired by the timeless beauty of the Oud Nursery designs. The range has been carefully crafted to ensure that every parent can create a unique space fit for their little prince or princess.


The Monet cot bed, which is the centrepiece of this range, is made from solid wood for durability and reliability. In addition to the beautifully engraved wooden carved borders, the cot bed can be personalised with bespoke initials to add an extra touch of elegance.


The cot bed is painted in pure white paint that will coordinate perfectly with other exquisite furniture items in the Monet range, helping you create a truly bespoke and magical nursery.


Your child deserves the very best, and with the Monet Nursery range, you can rest assured that you are investing in quality, style, and elegance that will stand the test of time.



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